Category: Genres

Negro Spiritual

The genre of Negro Spirituals traces its roots back to African American religious traditions, characterized by call-and-response styles and improvisation, resonating with cultures worldwide. Originating during slavery, these spirituals …


Merengue — a vibrant music genre, hailing from the Dominican Republic, has captivated audiences across Latin America and beyond. Its name derives from the French word “meringue,” evoking the …


Highlife, a vibrant musical style originating from Ghana and Nigeria, is the soulful soundtrack to celebrations and special occasions across West Africa. Coined by C.K. Mann, this genre gained …

City Pop

City pop is a music genre that originated in Japan, drawing inspiration from Western pop while incorporating elements from jazz, R&B, and traditional Japanese folk music. Notable Artists Kyu …

Stoner Metal

Stoner metal, a heavy music genre, is defined by its slow tempos, down-tuned guitars, and a dense, fuzzy sound. While often associated with marijuana use due to many musicians …


Klezmer, originating in Eastern Europe, is defined by its use of instruments like the clarinet, violin, and accordion, often incorporating melodies from Jewish folk songs. While rooted in tradition, …

African Heavy Metal

The history of African heavy metal has been a gradual but steady progression. It began with the rise of popular bands like Kanaan and Black Missionaries in the early …


K-pop, originating from South Korea, is hailed by British journalist Howard Hampton as a “new form of Asian mass culture,” blending Eastern and Western musical styles. Tracing its roots …

Thrash Metal

Thrash metal emerged in the early 1980s, blending the velocity and aggression of hardcore punk with the intricacy of heavy metal. Characterized by rapid tempos reaching around 200 beats …


Soca, a dynamic genre of Caribbean music originating from Trinidad and Tobago, seamlessly fuses elements of soul and calypso with vibrant influences from funk and disco. Origins and Evolution …